Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ April 3 – April 9, 2016

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for April 3 – April 9, 2016:

Sunday, April 3, the Moon begins void-of-course at 11:15PM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This energy might bring something to a standstill until the Moon finds a new home in the sign of Pisces. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Sometimes the void-of-course phase makes you feel like you got out on the wrong side of your bed — you feel irritable or in a bad mood because you stepped into a crisis-in-action before you’ve had your first cup of coffee or you just start off with the wrong foot forward!

Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares Neptune (the spiritual awakener). You might feel like daydreaming today, or you might have a hard time focusing on something, or you might have vivid dreams. Today is not a good day to sign papers or make final agreements because you need play it safe!

Monday, April 4, the Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces at 5:45AM UTC Time. The third quarter Moon brings transition, adjustment or elimination.

You might feel irritated or determined to figure something out and need some private time with yourself to make a decision.

The Sun (what you want) Inconjuncts Jupiter Rx (expansion). You might feel restless and have a hard time getting from point A to point B, or you might feel confused and won’t know what you want. This is the time to stop what you’re doing and make some adjustments to figure things out!

Tuesday, April 5, the Moon begins void-of-course at 4:50PM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Pisces and will soon find its new home in the zodiac sign of Aries.

William Lilly, a famous astrologer, said that when the Moon is void-of-course in the zodiac signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, the Moon can still perform its duties!

Mercury enters the zodiac sign of Taurus. You might need space or time with yourself to figure things out. You won’t let others rush you into making decisions, or you might feel more opinionated and rigid because you’ll take a deeper look at things.

Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares Jupiter Rx (expansion). Your mind might feel restless, or you might think BIG and overdo something and end up in a do-over, or you might find it hard to see the big picture because you don’t have realistic expectations!

Venus (wants, desires and needs) enters Aries. You’re probably going to feel more direct and ready to express what you want, desire and need!

The Sun (what you want) Trines Jupiter Rx (expansion). You might decide to take a risk and go big because you’ll feel motivated, but Jupiter is in retrograde motion and you might end up in a do-over if you don’t think something though.

Wednesday, April 6, the Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Aries at 6:45AM UTC Time. The energies of the Moon are not going to slow you down to complete what you need to do! The third quarter Moon brings transition, adjustment or elimination.

The Sun (what you want) Squares Pluto (transformation and power). You might decide to shake the coconut tree to get to the bottom of something. Just be careful with your personal power today because you might burn some bridges!

Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares Saturn Rx (restrictions). You might have a hard time getting from point A to point B today and end up in some delay or restriction that you did not see coming and feel irritated!

Thursday, April 7, the Moon begins void-of-course at 2:56PM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aries and will soon find its new home in the zodiac sign of Taurus. This energy might bring something to a standstill until the Moon finds a new home.

Friday, April 8, the Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Taurus at 6:10AM UTC Time. You will want to feel safe and content and you probably won’t let others push you into something that you’re not ready to do. You’ll need more time to think things through.

The New Moon is the time of new beginnings and making new plans to go after what you want!

Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares North Node (the future). Your plans might not go as you expected today and you might need to make some adjustments.

Uranus (unexpected changes) Inconjuncts (Quincunx) North Node (the future). Be prepared for something unexpected today!

Saturday, April 9, the Moon begins void-of-course at 9:49AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Taurus and will soon find its new home in the zodiac sign of Gemini. When the Moon is void-of-course in the Zodiac signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, the Moon can still perform its duties!

The Sun (what you want) Conjuncts Uranus (the unexpected). You might feel more independent today and take a new opportunity for a spin, or you might decide to get out and meet others, or something unexpected might happen that brings you into the future!

The Sun (what you want) Inconjuncts (Quincunx) North Node (the future). You might need to own up to something, or you might need to face something head on and make some adjustment to find your direction today!

See you next week!

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
April 3 – April 9, 2016


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