Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ November 11 – November 17, 2018

Astro ForecastWeekly Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast for November 11 – November 17, 2018:

Sunday, November 11, 2018. Your Weekly Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast begins with the New Moon beginning void-of-course at 3:34 AM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Capricorn.

When the New Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Capricorn at 3:54 AM UTC, you’ll probably feel more serious and decide to roll up your sleeves and get something done.

SunsextilePluto The Sun (your personal power to move forward) Sextiles Pluto (power and transformation) at 03:21 PM UTC. With the Sun in the zodiac sign of Scorpio you’ll use your power to move forwards, but you’ll keep things secret and work on an inward level. You might be on a mission to go after something you lost, or you might be on a mission to go after something new, but you’ll feel in control by keeping your mission private.

Monday, November 12, 2018. No activity, read Sunday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018.  Sun (your personal power to move forward) Semisquares Saturn (restrictions) at 11:42 AM UTC. With the Sun in the zodiac sign of Scorpio you’ll be on a mission to reach great heights and accomplish something important, but you might get restricted by the circumstances of others and feel like you’re spinning your wheels and have a hard time getting to first base.

The New Moon begins void-of-course at 3:13 PM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Aquarius.

When the New Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Aquarius at 3:45 PM UTC, you’ll probably feel more detached and need your space to think, or you might surprise someone with an unexpected emotional reaction.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018. No activity, read Tuesday.

Thursday, November 15, 2018. MarssextileUranus Mars (passion and energy that drives you into action) Sextiles Uranus Rx (the awakener) at 09:30 AM UTC. With Mars in the zodiac sign of Aquarius you’ll be ready to take a risk and break new ground to make something happen.

The First Quarter Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Aquarius and this energy sets the stage through November 22. This Moon phase brings you into the time of “Check-Point-Charlie”, the time of needing to check to see where you’re at and determine if you need to change something, or work harder to realize a dream, or accomplish something important to you.

With the Moon in Aquarius, your emotions will be guided by intellect and you might become detached emotionally to stay on track this month.

Mars (passion and energy that drives you into action) enters the zodiac sign of Pisces at 10:20 PM UTC and you’ll start a new cycle of change to walk in Pisces shoes. With Mars in the zodiac sign of Pisces you’ll be working behind the scenes with your power. You won’t want to take something head on, rather you’ll use PLAN B and give something up or you’ll escape a situation rather than argue and fight because you’re on a mission to quiet the Mars energy. You don’t want to walk on the wounded healer bridge and experience suffering, then healing.

Mars (passion and energy that drives you into action) Inconjuncts North Node Rx at 10:35 PM UTC. With Mars in the zodiac sign of Pisces, you’ll work behind the scenes and you might take a detour and either change your path or escape a situation.

Friday, November 16, 2018. The North Node Rx (the future – what you need to learn) changes zodiac signs from Leo to Cancer at 01:28 AM UTC, and the South Node Rx (the past – what you’ve learned) changes zodiac signs from Aquarius to Capricorn.

This combination brings change. Depending on where the North Node Rx is in your transiting chart, you’re on the verge of changing directions. You might throw yourself into something new, but your attitude will change because you’ll be working from the heart to satisfy your needs. Security will become very important to you and so will your home and family ties. With the North Node in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your memory with feel sharp, and you’ll have a memory like an elephant. You’ll soak things up like a sponge and have a hard time shaking something off, but while the North Node is in Cancer, you’ll need to learn how to control your moods, forgive and forget past hurts.

The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 3:58 AM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Pisces.

When the First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces at 4:41 AM UTC, you’ll probably be drawn to something exciting, or you might get carried away on an inward journey with your feelings and fantasies.

Venus, the planet of wants, needs and desires turns direct at 10:50 AM UTC. Venus enters its last shadow period where it remains until December 17, 2018. During the last shadow period, you will be in a phase of contemplation, tying up loose ends, mending fences, getting advice, using self-control and thinking something through carefully before you take action. When the shadow period ends, you’ll have more clarity and see things clearly and you’ll be able to assess what you have learned about your wants, needs and desires regarding relationships, money, and financial ventures.

Saturday, November 17, 2018. Mercury Rx (how you communicate, learn and travel) turns retrograde at 01:33 AM UTC. Mercury will backpedal and aspect all the planets from 13 degrees Sagittarius to 27 degrees Scorpio and during this time you might meet the trickster, or you might need to deal with something unexpected.

Retrograde motion brings out unexpected snafus with communication and travel. During this period there is much gossip, unexpected messages, glitches related to the radio, phone, computer and internet, as well as local transportation problems with cars, buses, planes and trains. Writer’s block occurs. Your mind may feel clouded and stuck. Unusual weather patterns and floods also cause communication and transportation delays.

Did you know that Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and the polar opposite of the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (ruled by the planet Jupiter)? Mercury is associated with how you communicate, learn and travel, and Jupiter is associated with good luck, optimism, success, expansion. This combination brings out the big risk taker. Gemini needs to live in the moment and Sagittarius is the traveler with big ideas and plans who works on goals for the future.

Mercury — The Messenger of the Gods

Baby Mercury

Baby Sagittarius

Mercury was the messenger of the gods, known to the Greeks as Hermes. He was a thief, musician, trickster and liar, capable of talking his way out of any predicament (one of the reasons why the Tarot Magician is known as the trickster or bluffer in the reverse position) and he usually has a quest for change.

The Little Rascal – Greek Mythology

In Greek Mythology Hermes was the rascal who had a hidden agenda. Soon after his birth, he started growing rather quickly. He snuck out of his crib and headed off on a new adventure, learned how to play the reed pipes, and discovered a cattle herd.

Hermes took this herd of cattle from his half-brother, Apollo and did something to make them walk in reverse. He lured the cattle off their grazing path while they were walking backwards and hid them in a cave. Then he returned home and got back in his crib.

Apollo (the Sun god) discovered that his cattle were missing and became livid! However, since he was the god of prophecy and omens, he found out what happened rather quickly and went to visit Hermes. Apollo took Hermes to see Zeus (the king of the gods) where Hermes lied and said that he did not take the cattle, but Zeus did not believe him. Zeus told Hermes that he had to return the cattle. Hermes finally confessed and promised to return the herd. He gave Apollo his reed pipes, and Apollo gave him a golden rod to lead the cattle home, and honored Hermes as the god of herdsman and shepherds.

Hermes promised Zeus that he would never lie again, and Zeus named him the messenger, the traveler, and negotiator who would work for the gods!

See you next week!

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