About Me

safina-hsMy name is Safina! The name “Safina” means large vessel or boat. So welcome aboard my boat, where I invite you to sail away on a short voyage of learning and exploration into the intricacies of your psychic disposition.

My readings are informed by a unique combination of Tarot, Astrology and the messages I receive from my guide “Angelo,” as well as from your guides.

My gifts descended to me through my mother and grandmother. I am a third-generation psychic, picking up a tradition that began with my great-grandmother.

She read the Tarot cards when someone needed to know a person’s location and the hour of their homecoming, obtaining staggeringly accurate readings despite her use of an ancient, ragged and frayed Tarot deck.

My mother reads the cards as well, using a normal playing deck, and she can tell you the intentions of people who are coming in your life. My brother’s daughter is starting to come into her abilities now as well, fostering the ability to feel a person’s thoughts merely by standing next to them. Clearly, the psychic gift is deeply ingrained in my family.

I have been offering spiritual guidance for a number of years — proving my expertise by answering questions about relationships, finance, career, break-ups, soul mates, and more. I am here to continue helping clients by giving them honest, clear, and accurate insight and guidance with respect to all their questions and concerns.

I have a deep love for the Tarot and learned the meaning of the “Tarot Cards” through all my life experiences and from my spirit guides who send messages and talk to me through the Tarot. When something major is going to happen in my life, my guide “Angelo” usually talks to me in Tarot by flashing a card in front of me. When he flashes the card many times, that is the timing for the card, which I have learned to understand as a warning of an impending surprise. I learned the secrets of the Tarot through all the symbols and colors of the cards. Each tarot card has its own specific story that pertains to the experiences we will go through.

When you come on board, I will ask you for your name and date of birth, as well as your questions and concerns. I will say a prayer to connect with your guides and my guide “Angelo” and ask for information that will help answer your questions. I will pull a “Celtic Tarot Spread” and look at the advice the cards are revealing to you, interpreting the message that answers your question and aids you in making important decisions.

As a child I had the ability to sense people’s energy, and this made me oversensitive and awkward, dividing me from my friends. Over the years I have learned to harness the connection and have it work for me rather than overtake me. When I first began meditating, my guides would come and speak to me. I came to learn that the number 6 is very important to me, as it has repeated many times in my life, bringing good and bad times. From there on I continued to get messages from my guides, and though I never followed their indications, they were always right.

Years later, I met Master Chin Yin from China at a retreat. When I met her, I saw her Aura and her energy field, and that was the day my life changed forever. She told me that I had special abilities that needed to be developed, and in time I would be able to see inside of people’s bodies, by which she meant that I would grow into a medical, intuitive psychic. After that I went on a sort of hiatus, searching but never finding what I needed, and I allowed spiritual people to guide me in directions I didn’t want to go.

I found a good teacher and mentor who helped me open up my abilities, and we worked through all the blocks I had until everything started to flow in the right direction. We are here to learn about ourselves and clean up our past so we can find our future and the person we are supposed to be with! I believe that we have to cut the cords of our vows and contracts sometimes to find our true self and our destiny. The soul holds all the secrets and records all our contracts with this lifetime and with the past.

Disclaimer: My services do not constitute legal, psychological, or medical advice. I will not provide diagnosis or treatment of any kind, be it medical, mental, spiritual, or other. You must be 18 years of age to enter my chat room. Psychic readings are for your personal entertainment. I will not take responsibility for the choices you will make, but I am a very caring person who will help guide and empower you to see your future more clearly.

I live on the West Coast of the United States and work the hours of 4:00 PM to 4:00 AM.





9 comments on “About Me

  1. Terese

    I wish your weekly report was individualized according to star sign rather than the day of the week. I just want to read my sign and not the whole report.


    1. Safina

      Thanks for you message, right now I only have time to do the weekly horoscope.


  2. Marc

    Hi Safina,

    It was brought to my attention that you are looking for someone to help you with a new website. We are a Canadian Web Hosting company and we are partners with Godaddy. I would love to work with you and help you with a new amazing website.

    We are in the mist of launching our new website as well and we understand the stress it is to creating one. I’m sure once you speak with me you’ll be a client of ours.

    Please feel free to contact me directly and we could speak further.

    I look forward hearing from you shortly


    1. Safina

      Hello Marc,

      I would like to talk to you. My Skype address is safina.askins

    2. Safina

      I found someone, but not sure yet, will keep you updated!

  3. abigail

    Hi Safina

    Are your HERO cards available to buy ?

    1. Safina

      The Hero book and cards will be completed at the end of the year and sold on amazon!


    1. Safina

      The Hero Tarot will be done this year.


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