Articles by Safina

Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ October 8 – October 14, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for October 8 – October 14:

Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts on Sunday, October 8. The Full Moon begins void-of-course at 1:45 PM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Taurus. You might think about how you are spending your money and start a budget, or you might be willing to listen to what someone has to say and meet them halfway.

Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ September 24 – September 30, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for September 24 – September 30:

Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts on Sunday, September 24. The New Moon begins void-of-course at 7:32 AM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. You might feel more silent today and want to keep your feelings to yourself, or you might be on a fact-checking mission to get information to make an important decision.

Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ August 27 – September 2, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for August 27 – September 2:

Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts on Sunday, August 27. Jupiter (expansion and luck) Sextiles Saturn (hard work) at 12:15 PM UTC. Today is a good day to start balancing your personal and professional life. This is a big deal because when you spend too much time in one area you will throw yourself out of balance. 

Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ August 13 – August 19, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for August 13 – August 19:

Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts with Mercury turning retrograde (the planet associated with how you think, communicate, write, speak, learn and carefully analyze a situation). Mercury turns retrograde for the third time this year and this retrograde sends you into a do-over or brings something unexpected.

Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ August 6 – August 12, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for August 6 – August 12:

Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts on August 6. The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 9:21 AM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. You might feel overwhelmed with all the work that needs to get done. Best thing to do is take a step back and prioritize what needs to get done right away and make a realistic plan.