Tarot Boot Camp ~ The High Priestess

tbcps-rw-highpriestessThe High Priestess — The Major Arcana

The word Arcana comes from the Latin word Arcanum, which represents a sacred secret or mystery that one must discover. The High Priestess is related to the Major Arcana and signifies major life lessons you’ll learn on this path, that of listening to your intuition and higher-self!

The secret paths of the Major Arcana represent the journey of the Fool, in which the Fool learns new lessons with every step of the way and overcomes obstacles and gains wisdom from lessons learned!

The High Priestess — The Whisperer

The High Priestess represents the path of intuition and meeting the Higher Self. The Higher Self is your intuitive guide that resides inside of you. The High Priestess is related to the zodiac sign of Cancer. The three astrology decans of Cancer describe the High Priestess. The Moon — The epidermal kaleidoscope of emotions that fluctuate during the Phases of the Moon. Pluto — Intuitive and the keeper of secrets. Neptune — What is hidden or invisible.

“I am ruled by the Moon, the secret keeper of what is hidden or invisible behind the veil. I symbolize everything that is hidden in your subconscious waiting to be revealed to you through your intuition, dreams, visions and spiritual realization. I am the voice of your Higher-Self.”

“Did a strong voice send you a message, urging you to be cautious, reminding you about a valuable lessons you learned in the past, but have now forgotten?” Did you hear this voice say, “You shouldn’t have done that! You knew it wouldn’t work-out, and now you’re learning a new valuable lesson or the same lesson you learned in the past!”