Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ March 5 – March 11, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for March 5 – March 11:

Sunday, March 5. The First Quarter Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Gemini on March 5 at 11:31 AM UTC and this energy sets the stage through March 11. This Moon phase brings you into the time of “Check-Point-Charlie”, the time of needing to check to see where you’re at and determine if you need to change something or work harder to realize a dream or accomplish something important to you.

Mars (the troublemaker) Semisquares Neptune (the spiritual awakener) at 03:52 PM UTC. You might decide to escape for the day and spend time alone, or you might have a hard time figuring out where you are headed today. Perhaps you feel like your energy is running on low, or you are having a hard time getting your mojo back, or you feel drained and disorganized.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

Mars (the troublemaker) Trines Saturn (hard work and restrictions) at 08:45 PM UTC. You can accomplish anything if you remain disciplined. This is a good day to get organized because you will see the results of your hard-earned efforts as you move on. Use this energy wisely – avoid stepping into situations and becoming the boss because you will rub others the wrong way and make new enemies.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

Monday, March 6. The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 8:21 PM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Gemini. Today is not a good day to make important decisions but it is a good day to start a fact-finding mission to get all the information you need to make the right decision.

Meanwhile, The First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Cancer at 12:54 PM UTC. With the Moon in Cancer, you might become the sponge and absorb something and get your feelings hurt and have a hard time letting something go, or you might think about the past and bygone days, or you might have a hard time throwing something away and clearing out the clutter.

Tuesday, March 7. The Sun (what you want) Conjuncts Mercury (how the mind works) at 00:28 AM UTC. You should feel aligned with what you want to do today. Communication should come easy, or you might feel more open to discuss something, or decide to solve a problem to put yourself back on track.

The stars like you today. The planets are united and agree with each other because they are very close, but might send you into a blind spot because you’re too close to a situation!

Wednesday, March 8. Mercury (how the mind works) Sextiles Pluto (power and transformation) at 05:24 AM UTC. You might feel like the investigator on a mission today and want to dig into something so you can make a decision, or communication will come easy to you today and others will want to listen to you.

The planets like each other and cooperate and inspire each other, bringing you into a new creative opportunity to take for a spin.

The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 2:59 PM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Cancer. You might decide to chill today, or decide to spend more time with family and close friends. Anything could happen from wanting to spend time alone with yourself to wanting to spend time with people who are close to you.

Meanwhile, The First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Leo at 4:45 PM UTC. With the Moon in Leo, you might need more attention today, or you might get busy and start planning an event, or it might be one of those days when you are spontaneous and decide to live for the day.

Thursday, March 9. Sun (what you want) Sextiles Pluto (power and transformation) at 08:32 AM UTC. You might feel it’s the right time to keep your feelings to yourself, or you might decide to formulate a plan to start something new, or go after something you lost but still feel is within reach.

The planets like each other and cooperate and inspire each other, bringing you into a new creative opportunity to take for a spin.

Mercury (how the mind works) Inconjuncts Jupiter Rx (expansion and luck) at 02:56 PM UTC. Today is not a good day to sign on the dotted line, or make promises you cannot keep. You might overestimate or miss important details, or be in a hurry to get something down and face the consequences later.

The planets don’t understand each other and cannot merge. They are in conflict and you might need to make an adjustment because you may force something to happen!

Friday, March 10. Mars (the troublemaker) enters the zodiac sign of Taurus at 00:33 AM UTC. You start a new cycle of change to build a strong foundation that will last. Your impulses are going to be strong and you will be on a mission to feel secure and stable regarding your personal and professional relationships and build your empire!

The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 5:05 PM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Leo. You might look within to understand who supports you and who does not.

Meanwhile, The First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Virgo at 10:07 PM UTC. With the Moon in Virgo, you might feel this emotional need to stay busy and catch up on things, or you might feel overcritical about what you have accomplished and what you have not accomplished.

Saturday, March 11. Mercury (how the mind works) Conjuncts Chiron (the wounded healer) at 01:34 AM UTC. You might feel more open to listen to others, and want to communicate with others, or solve problems, or bury the hatchet and let something go.

The stars like you today. The planets are united and agree with each other because they are very close, but might send you into a blind spot because you’re too close to a situation!

The Sun (what you want) Inconjuncts Jupiter Rx (expansion and luck) at 08:00 PM UTC. You might feel restless and want to explore new opportunities, or make a few changes to put yourself back on track, or make an adjustment to let go of what is not working, or you might break away from old habits that are getting the best of you and controlling you.

The planets don’t understand each other and cannot merge. They are in conflict and you might need to make an adjustment because you may force something to happen!

See you next week.

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
March 5 – March 11, 2017



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