Tarot Boot Camp ~ The Hierophant

tbcps-rw-HierophantThe Hierophant — The Major Arcana

The word Arcana comes from the Latin word Arcanum, which represents a sacred secret or mystery that one must discover. The Hierophant is related to the Major Arcana and signifies major life lessons you’ll learn on this path, that of the sacred rules and vows of society and tradition but also hearing your inner call from above, the call that guides and directs you to connect to your true purpose in life, that of helping others.

The secret paths of the Major Arcana represent the journey of the Fool, in which the Fool learns new lessons with every step of the way and overcomes obstacles and gains wisdom from lessons learned!

The Hierophant — The Trusted Shaman

The Hierophant is a trusted guide, mentor, shaman, priest, doctor, counselor or lawyer that comes in your life. You might need to connect to the Hierophant to heal from a  painful or challenging time of your life or you might hear the inner call from above guiding you, to work in a career to help others or to work in a career of spirituality.

“I am ruled by the zodiac sign of Taurus. I represent higher spirituality and the rules and vows that are connected to society and tradition. You need to understand that tradition doesn’t change, and if you try to change the rules or break them, you may be shunned!”

The Hierophant also represents hearing your inner call from above, the call that guides and directs you to connect to your true purpose in life, that of helping others. In return, your work will bring you abundance, growth and opportunity.

The Hierophant’s Ruler — Taurus


The Hierophant is connected to the sun sign of Taurus, which is in turn connected to earth and the planet Venus. By virtue of these combinations, he derives his strength in terms of dependability and solidity. Taurus is extremely intractable when it comes to rules and vows, demanding extreme conformance and flaring up with obstinacy if denied.

Taurus owes its immovability to being a fixed sign in the zodiac. In fact, they can often be maddeningly inflexible, incapable of entertaining any but their personal cherished view. On the other hand, this stubbornness creates an astounding loyalty in the Taurus, who is willing to help with any tasks that overpower you. Just remember that with Taurus, the watchwords are “stable” and “reliable.” Be careful with your opinions, and try to avoid situations that may nettle or suggest defiance.

This demanding of extreme conformance can lead Taurus to be selfish and overly possessive, especially when it comes to their overweening ego and blustery emotions. The Taurian who lashes out in anger drives all hapless onlookers away, and when armed with the security of their rightness, they will stand firm against all resistance, deepening the conflict.

Tarot Boot Camp

Hierophant, Chapter 6, Red Egg, dreamstime_xl_13284731My personal experience with the Hierophant card is related to the number five. I found myself traveling the numerological path of the number five, signifying harmony and unity in all elements of spiritual knowledge. Interestingly, the number five is also implicated in the genesis of Tarot Boot Camp, as can be seen in the following narrative.

About three years ago, a strong voice, the voice of my spiritual connection, resounded within me: “You are going to write a book in three years!” I was utterly bewildered, since I had formed no intention whatsoever to write a book. As perhaps one of the worst writers on this planet, my shortcomings were further complicated by a complete ignorance as to what the book would even be about.

I knew I was never going to hear this message again because my spiritual connection communicates with me only once on each subject. Whether a vision or a voice, repetitions never occur. Regardless, their extent of knowledge about your life and all its forthcoming events is astounding.

Eventually, I realized the book would be about Tarot Cards, my experiences and life connections with each card, and my spiritual connection with the Tarot and the universe. It was not given to me to understand why I had been singled out to write this book, but I had three years to plan and meditate about it before beginning.

Murphy’s Law — Retrograde Motion

BullRetrograde motion represents the concept of “Murphy’s Law,” because if something is ready to go wrong or change it will happen during retrograde motion! Venus retrograde will have an impact on you with your morals, relating to what you believe in, and what you value.

During Venus retrograde, you may critically evaluate the people that you are associated with. Retrograde motion may be a time when other people will get under your skin because they are different than you. You might have a hard time holding back what you want to say because of your differences.

Venus retrograde may be a time when you’re ready to hit the nail on the head and say what needs to be said, because of your beliefs. But if you say what’s on your mind, you might shoot yourself in the foot in the long run. Venus retrograde is the time to slow down and think everything through and not the right time to voice what’s on your mind!

The Story of the Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant is enumerated five in the Tarot Deck and is symbolic of harmony and unity in all elements of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. A strong teacher and leader of religion, spirituality, and tradition, he sits regally on a stone throne ensconced by two stone pillars representing strength and rigid structure. He follows the rules of his faith, believing in them utterly.

His robe is red with white detail — the color red signifying royalty, strength, and passion, and the white detail signifying purity. His blue gown and collar represent his inner thoughts and deep understanding based on faith.

He is wearing a three-tier gold crown, a symbol of the three aspects of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His gold triple staff represents spiritual power, and as he points his right hand towards the heavens, he symbolizes a connection to higher powers and a spiritual blessing. Relatedly, he is associated with the pope, the head and supreme power of the Catholic Church.

The black and white checkered tiles of the floor he stands on represent the alternation of good and evil, for the Hierophant is equally disposed to work with either. The red carpet signifies royalty and his high ranking position, while his white shoes with their cross emblem signify his spiritual grounding, his faith in his religion, his purity, and his status as a celebrant.

Two keys lie crisscrossed before him on the red carpet, nothing other than the very keys to the kingdom of heaven. Since no locks can be seen, he appears to contain the power to grant or deny entrance.

Unsurprisingly, two young, progressive priests kneel at his feet, beseeching guidance. One wears a robe decorated with red roses, symbolic of passion, and a blue garment, symbolic of thought. In contrasting balance, the other’s robe bears the white lilies of purity and a traditional beige garment, representing a color of pureness.

But both robes have yellow detailing or the appearance of yellow suspenders, denoting that they are celebrants, and both wear red hair covers, signs of passion and desire. Learning from the Hierophant’s experience and wisdom, the pair ascends to new heights in their education and faith, striving for a higher status as priests.

This religious teacher of a higher spirituality can illustrate the way of adapting to a belief system that will lead you down the best path for you.

My Interpretation of the Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant is a healer and represents the Shaman whose purpose is helping you to find the healing that you need during the most trying and challenging times of your life. This healer may be a counselor or a person similarly possessed of the educational experience necessary to help others.

This card represents all the vows that you take throughout your life, the connection to society, marriage, religion, work, and anything involving large groups. The Hierophant represents the rules of these organizations and is a teacher who comes into your life to help you connect with your higher spiritual side.

Every group has rules, says the Hierophant, and if you follow their rules as a member of the group, they will accept you. If you flout the group’s rules; however, they will demand that you beg mercy for your transgression, and will shun you if you do not comply.

For example, rejecting the rules of society and establishing your personal code of conduct will end with your peers branding you a rebel. Regardless, God gives you the choice to live as you see fit, and it cannot be denied that at one time and in one form or other, everyone who walks the Earth has been or will be a rebel.

The Hierophant also represents your inner calling from above to connect to your higher spiritual path to help others, and in return, your work will bring you abundance, growth and opportunity.

Tarot Boot Camp Cover-BreezyI went through my inner spiritual calling when I heard a strong voice, the voice of my spiritual connection, resound within me: “You are going to write a book in three years!” I feel that my book, Tarot Boot Camp, turned out to be a healing book because I was brave enough to share my personal, intimate experiences with each card and always talk to you as a teacher and your friend.

Tarot Boot Camp is a study of each card in detail, and represents your personal Tarot Encyclopedia that explains and answers your questions about the Tarot and its connection to your life experiences, one step at a time.

Tarot Boot Camp is your connection to your spiritual Hierophant. Remember that the Hierophant is the problem solver, able to share personal experiences with you on an intimate level. This intimate sharing will help you heal your spirit. The Hierophant is the spiritual teacher who resides inside of you every step of the way. All you have to do is start to listen and trust your inner voice.

Upright. You’ll follow the rules of society, believing in them utterly. You may connect with a trusted guide, mentor, shaman, priest, doctor, counselor or lawyer who will help you during a difficult time. Or you might hear the inner call from above, guiding you to work in a career to help others or to work in a career of spirituality.

Reverse. You might be rebellious, inflexible, a rule-breaker, have fixed beliefs and might be shunned by society or restricted because you want to live by your personal code and not the code of others.

Hierophant, Chapter 6, Six Eggs, dreamstime_xl_19030067Timing. A hidden timing and prophecy. The Hierophant card does not have a timing in my deck.

Note: There are hidden prophecies related to the Tarot Cards that are enumerated five. These cards represent the time of hidden, unexpected changes that will be revealed to you.

I have had many visions related to the cards that are enumerated 5 and the universe redirects your path and changes the direction you are headed. The Hierophant holds the keys to secret knowledge and the hidden prophecy.

The cards that are enumerated 5 might relate to the breakdown of the path that you’re traveling on. This unexpected prophecy forces you to fix the problem or start over for a reason. The only way to start over is to  break down your existing path so you’re free from it and can’t go back. Sometimes the experience is painful and it’s hard to see the beauty in this change, but you’ll see the beauty in this change at a later date!

This article is also located on Lotus Tarot (tarot card articles). You can also find me on Lotus Tarot if you’re  interested in a reading. http://www.free-tarot-reading.net/live-readings/Safina/chat





3 comments on “Tarot Boot Camp ~ The Hierophant

  1. karuna

    thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful experience. since sometime this year I have been getting similar messages. its just fantastic as the universe converses with all of us . All we have to do is to listen.

    1. Safina

      Thanks for the message! Glad you liked the post.


    2. Safina

      Thanks for the message, glad you liked the article!


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